Presenting, preserving and protecting your most sensitive and valuable collections.
NEW! Introducing the most innovative and user-friendly modular display case system on the market.
Also new to the market, the Zone Standard Display Case Series offers versatility, quick shipping and an excellent price versus quality ratio.
Our Museum Display Cases
Custom Museum Display Cases
A selection of pre-designed and fully customizable display cases.
Zone Standard Display Case Series
NEW! A cost-efficient line of standardized quick-ship products.
Zone Modular Display Case System
NEW! The most flexible and user-friendly display case system on the market.
Custom Solutions for Designers
Made-to-measure creations based on specific design requirements.
National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta, GA, USA
Our Realisations
From libraries and archives to art galleries and history museums, every project we carry out has the same level of service, regardless of size and style.