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Location100 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA, USA

Type(s) of establishment

Type Rotating exhibits

Collection Papers, books, and manuscripts

The MLK Gallery at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights

The MLK Gallery at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta is chapel-like space dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.

The gallery is meant to foster quiet reflection as visitors read and contemplate Dr. King’s words.

Among the items that are part of the exhibit is King’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, a number of his books and a draft of his “American Dream” speech. Also, on display is an incomplete copy of King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech, given at the Riverside Church in 1967.



The Scope

Designed by Rockwell Group and completed in collaboration with D&P Inc , the MLK gallery features rotating exhibits of personal papers, displayed in beautiful archival cases built by Zone Display Cases, alongside a projection of the phrase “I Have a Dream” in 25 different languages.


The specific design and fabrication approach for those display cases, as well as the assembly precision required by the client, presented an interesting challenge for our team.

Table Display Cases - ZT-101

Table Display Cases - ZT-101

Our Solutions

Collaboration and communication with the client was key to successfully complete this project.

The quality review has been assured by members of each of our departments for final acceptance before shipping the product out to the museum.

Products featured in this project

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