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Location4777, avenue Pierre-De Coubertin, Montreal, QC, CAN

Type(s) of establishment

Type Temporary exhibition

Collection Animal feces

In 2016, young and old were able to identify and interpret the great diversity of excrement produced by animal residents of the Biodôme.

Excrements at first glance "disgusting" are an important source of information on the ecology of animals, its social interactions health, life.

The Scope

The “Poop Tales” exhibit at the Biodome of Montreal was to teach visitors how to identify animals by their droppings.

Quite different from a standard museum exhibition, this fun and exciting trail was also intended to cause surprises, smiles and laughter.


The Biodôme of Montreal was looking for a series of tiny humidity-controlled display cases to present a variety of natural animal feces.

Located in a high-humidity area, these small cases needed to preserve these organic artifacts away from moisture for the full length of the exhibition.

Our Solutions

These are the smallest conservation-grade cases that Zone has ever designed and built.

Including a small desiccant compartment, these small displays were made of glass and steel and measured 6"l X 3"d X 4"h.

Model of the different display cases for the exhibition "Poop Tales", Biodôme de Montral, QC, CAN

Products featured in this project

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